
Minggu, 19 Juli 2009 18.39

Cara Menyelesaikan Game Flash Cannibals & Missionaries

Lagi isenk'' nyari game eh.. ketemu game flash yang namanya Cannibals & Missionaries.
Keliatannya sih gampang cuman suruh nyebrangin 3 Cannibals & 3 Missionaries.
Ternyata susah loh !
Trus saya Googling eh ketemu cara memenangkan game nya nih dia caranya

3 Missionaries: M1, M2, M3
3 Cannibals: C1, C2, C3

Start shore A
Other shore B

1. C1, M1 take the boat and cross the river and C1 stays on shore B, M1 comes back to shore A.
2. C2, C3 take the boat and cross the river and C2 stays on shore B, C3 comes back to shore A ( C1, C2 on Shore B).
3. M1, M2 take the boat and cross the river and M1 stays on shore B, M2,C2 come back to shore A (M1, C1 on shore B).
4. M2, M3 take the boat and cross the river and M2, M3 stays on shore B, C1 comes back to shore A (M1, M2, M3 on shore B).
5. C1, C2 take the boat and cross the river and C1 gets off and C2 goes back to shore A and brings C3.

Tuh caranya pake basa inggris wkwkwkw

Thx WikAnswer..

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4 Comments On "Cara Menyelesaikan Game Flash Cannibals & Missionaries"

praska Says:
23 Desember 2010 pukul 00.37

ah coba pake bahasa indonesia kan jadi lebih mudah

wkwkwk Says:
23 Desember 2010 pukul 00.43

susah, tapi kok kenapa tetep kemakan, ga sampe selesai tuh

23 Maret 2013 pukul 03.52

mau download flash game nya di mana ya?

Unknown Says:
30 September 2014 pukul 02.56

ini pake teori apa nama nya gan, buat referensi kuliah...
oiya mampir ke blog ane gan Spot Gelap Blog

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